Hello, dear visitor! I’ll be writing in this blog on occasion. For this first post, I’m excited to share a fun thing I’ve had in the works for over a month. :)
I wanted to do something celebratory to launch my debut novella, so I commissioned a custom bookplate design from Ryan Mills, the artist who illustrated the gorgeous title page for Bound Feet. Ryan was friendly and easy to work with…and he did an absolutely phenomenal job with this project! I’m thrilled with how these turned out.
And now, for a limited time, you can get one of these beauties for free! I’ll sign it for you, stamp it in red ink with my Chinese name seal, and personalize it if you’d like (optional). To get one, preorder or order a paperback copy of Bound Feet by October 31, 2022, and then fill out this form and I’ll ship you your bookplate. And yes, it’s open worldwide!